RISS Continues PA Scholars Initiative

Meet the Three 2024 PA Robotics Scholars Partnerships with PA Rural Robotics and the PA Department of Education inspired Safety21 researcher Rachel Burcin to design an initial pilot to study and explore pathways to high-research university degrees. The PA Robotics...
RISS 2024 Launches

RISS 2024 Launches

I was delighted to work with the RISS community to launch the 2024 RISS program. We work together to open doors to immersive undergraduate research experiences coupled with professional development, mentorship, and service learning to nurture future roboticists. The...

STEM as a Driver of Inclusion or Barrier?

Rustbelt & Rural Places Rural and Rust Belt regions are untapped (and often excluded) sources of innovation, development, and partnership. The future of work, the economy, and society are being rocked by transformative technology. Smart automation and artificial...