Excited to be sharing the amazing work of innovators with a global audience. Join the discussion! Sign up here for future invites: https://riss.ri.cmu.edu/robolaunch/

Join us for the fall kickoff of the CMU Robotics Institute Summer Scholars RoboLaunch Outreach Seminar Series

Join a revolutionary leader, Dr. Sergio Sedas, for a special conversation sharing insights from his journey and approach to combining technology and leadership to drive change and create infinite possibilities for lives of impact, growth, and joy. 

RISS Robolaunch Welcomes 

Dr. Sergio Sedas 

EGADE Business School

Wednesday, September 20 


Join Youtube Link: https://youtube.com/live/xlGUrQLk3JI?feature=share 

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Dr. Sedas, a professor at EGADE Business school and the creator of Highly Valued Leader, works with leading managers and directors that seek to inspire and lead transformation, innovation and growth. Throughout his 30+-year career, he has founded and directed multiple high-tech companies that designed and built intelligent manufacturing solutions with robots for major companies in the automotive industry.  Dr. Sedas holds a Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Institute.  He has held positions as a technology executive in multinational corporations, launched national-level STEM programming, and trained thousands of leaders.  

Launching into Robotics: The CMU RISS RoboLaunch Initiative invites students worldwide interested in learning about robotics to the Carnegie Mellon community for this special learning seminar series! Join global innovators in exploring how robotics and artificial intelligence are transforming every aspect of our lives.  The series is geared to help the community, college and high school students learn about robotics research, careers, and education.  

At the core of RISS RoboLaunch is a Seminar Series and Workshops providing a unique platform to launch into robotics. The series features smart, digestible, and inspirational robotics briefings from scientists, entrepreneurs, and educators worldwide, where each talk explores a “big idea” in robotics. The workshops help participants learn and explore various topics within robotics.